This summer it was decided that TikiTaka, as the only organization in Sweden, can offer clubs around the country Nike’s successful concept Nike SPARQ! Now the contract is completely finished and TikiTaka’s licensed SPARQ trainer Matinou Inoussa is ready to go around the country, to test and develop players with the very latest technology.

What is Nike SPARQ?
For the Swedish football movement the concept may be new, but the Nike SPARQ has established itself as a strong concept around the world, not just in football (with a search for “Nike SPARQ” on Youtube, you get a result of over 3,000 videos …).

SPARQ stands for Speed, Power, Agility, Reaction and Quickness and is based on creating better athletes. Because better athletes also create a better football player, says Nike. Something we at TikiTaka gladly agree with.

Nike SPARQ tests
TikiTaka’s Matinou Inoussa, our ambassador in Stockholm, has been to Amsterdam and received his SPARQ-license to perform the tests, which he is completely alone in Sweden to be able to do. Matinou were also in place in our booth at the Gothia Cup last summer, where young people from all over the world were able to try out a few of the tests.

What skills do you want and need to develop? Which team and which player reaches the best test results in Sweden? And finally, how does our test results stand up against the rest of the world?

Read more about Nike SPARQ and what we can offer your club here. If you have any questions, contact us at