An intense month of August, with TikiTaka practices in both Gothenburg and Östersund, ended on Tuesday with a visit to Gästrikland. On August 28, TikiTakas development manager Tony Gustavsson was in place at Göransson Arena in Sandviken for another class in 90 + 90.

Organizers were Högbo AIK and Sandvikens IF and close to 50 committed leaders from the district had gathered to be inspired by the TikiTaka method’s theory and practical exercises.

“An intense and very inspiring evening, where the participants received some great ideas that they can use in their own clubs, whether they are leaders of the youth teams or senior teams,” says the former player from Gelfe, Mathias Woxlin, TikiTaka Ambassador for Gestriklands district.

Lars Redhe, TikiTaka’s ambassador in Dalarna, were also at hand to study the exercises together with one of their prospective instructors:

“As usual, TikiTaka’s 90 + 90 is very inspiring and it’s especially fun to see how the participants lit up and get insights,” explains Lars.

TikiTaka thank you for yet another successful practice and are once again happy for the satisfied participants!

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